Thursday, October 2, 2008


So I decided to take tomorrow and Monday off of work. Prudent? Probably not, but necessary. I am tired and even feeling a tad bit depressed from the long hours spent at work. I found myself this week not responding to things as I normally would or even should. Even the small things are enough to make feel like the world is falling apart around me. And of course my husband spoke nothing but love into my life, when he himself had worked a 12 hour day, came home to find me in tears and when I told him how I felt he simply replied, " It's ok that you feel this way. I understand why." Enough said to give me the peace I needed to get out of my funk. He did ask me what I could do to help the situation and after several hours of pondering and praying I realized that I have an intense desire to nest right now. Maybe it was reading my cousin's blog or simply the fact that the dogs ate their 5th pair of shoes in the past two weeks but I realized that I would like to get things more organized in our home. First order of business is personalizing it. In some ways it still feels like a hotel. After over a year of living here we still don't have any pictures of us up anywhere. We also need a couch and a TV in our living room. I was opposed to this at first as I thought that it would become a reading room, or a music room, or simply a chatting room but it hasn't. Instead we just curl up in bed every night and watch TV there. There are days like Saturday that we spend all day in our bedroom, watching football and dosing in and out of sleep. And while days like these are needed I would also like a place where we can invite people to curl up on the couch and watch a good movie with us. We are also in desperate need to clean out the closets. We can't even open our bedroom closet without things falling out of it.

Of course, I blame my mother for this "organizational gene" as I like to call it. And there simply is no truth to cleanliness is Godliness. But on the other side of the coin I would like to bring some serenity to the home by creating a more inviting environment for us and for others. I do think my mother has always done a fantastic job of this.

So with just two days off I don't plan on undertaking any great tasks (like the bedroom closet) but I do think I might visit TJ Max in honor of the Johnson family and see what I can find.