Friday, December 19, 2008

Beautiful Wedding

Another favorite memory of 2008 was the wedding of Rob's brother Todd to his beautiful wife Jeli. The picked the most beautiful location, Long Beach's aquarium. These pictures are from the rehearsal . The whole wedding was themed around the aquarium. What a unique and stylish wedding it was! Just take a look of the view of the alter. Stunning!
Beautiful Grandma Rose


So another highlight of this year was our trip to Disneyland. Rob had not been since he was a kid and as a "Johnson" I was itching to go. Disneyland has a very special meaning to the Johnson family. Some of our most favorite memories were built either at or traveling to and from Disneyland. One of my favorite is the infamous brush microphone used during the car ride singing 50's tunes with mom, dad Christa and stefi.

Our time there was just as it was meant to be: Relishing in childlike fun, distracked from the worries of the world.

Winter Wonderland

I hope you smile and maybe even laugh when you receive our Christmas cards. Pathetic I know, sending Christmas cards of our dogs. But what can one say other than they bring so much joy to our everyday lives that we can't help but hope they might do the same for you.

The pictures are from Thanksgiving spent with the Chaney family up at the cabin in Pine Top. I hoped for snow on the way up and was delighted by the snow storm that fell on Thanksgiving day. I walked the dogs much to their disdain but I cherished in the blistering wind and crystal snowflakes.

Time with the family was wonderful! I must say the highlight was celebrating in my sister-in-law's growing bundle of joy due later this year!

LA: Not a dog friendly place

So one detail I missed in the last blog that on our way back to AZ we decided to take a detour and go to LA to visit the beach. The dogs had never been and we thought what a fun day it would be playing in the water and lounging on the sand. Well, we found out after 3 attempts at different beaches and nearly dodging a ticket from the ONLY life guard on duty in all of LA that dogs are not allowed! But we were able to sneak in one lonely picture as we were being escorted back to the car...
This past month we traveled to Palm Springs for our annual reunion. We decided with the holidays just around the corner we would make it a world wind trip. We traveled for a total of 48 hours and spent almost 30 of them in the car driving! We didn't have a babysitter for the pups so we brought them along thinking it would be a great adventure...and that it was. They were miserable...they hated being in the car and every time we stopped to let them out to go potties or get gas they were sorely disappointed we were not where exciting. Not grandma and grandpa's, the doggy park, the park with the patos and pajaros or even back at home. They cried and barked pretty much straight the entire drive there and back. We stayed at a motel 6, one of the only places they allow dogs. And we thought the drive was rough on the dogs the minute we walked in the hotel room they ran back out to the car wishing we could only go back home.

The event was beautiful. We reconnected with the same group of friends we see every year. It is the only time we actually see or even communicate with them. But because of history, love and acceptance the minute we see each other we reconnect. One of them got engaged this past year. We were able to spend much of the evening sharing funny dating stories, wedding stories and even lessons learned in marriage. Lots of laughs and hugs when it was time to go. I am already looking forward to next year. Here are a couple of pictures from the trip.

This first picture was taken on our way back. We got caught in a storm and experienced one of God's wonderful creations. The rainbow was a gentle reminder of the weekend of His faithfullness and promises.

Pictures from the Party

Finally got the pictures from the Christmas Tree decorating party! No idea why the are all sideways but I guess it goes with the Dr. Seuss theme!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chistmas Tree Party

I love traditional annual events. We celebrated my most favorite one this past weekend...our Christmas Tree decorating party. We purchase our Christmas tree from the same lot every year (I guess this has only been our third year but still). The lot is located not to far from our house and is run by a faith based halfway house. The men in the program cut the trees and man the lot. For some reason I can justify the silliness of killing the forest and American commercialism knowing that the labor is provided but such a blessed group of men.

The most memorable part of this year's event was the addition of a new family member. Usually it is just Rob and I but Stefi joined us this year much to my delight. The evening started with decorating Christmas cookies that I labored over all afternoon...Ok so maybe I just bought the prepaid and turned the oven on but still. We made lovely green and red cookies while singing along to Christmas carols.

After the cookies were lovingly decorated Rob came home and off we go to purchase our tree. Last year our tree was so big Rob had to chop off the top so it could fit in our place. So this year he was convinced we needed a smaller one (silly Rob!). We arrive and I think Stefi is slightly put off by the biker man providing security or maybe it was the fact that someone tried to show Rob in the halfway house! We make into the lot and of course Rob and Stefi left to their own devices pick out the most "Charlie Brown" tree in the whole lot. I finally give in after looking at all the more beautiful trees and decide it was the experience I was looking for not the perfect tree.

After loading the tree in the car and being gouged it by it several times on purpose, as part of Rob's great sense of humor, we make it upstairs. This is where the fun really begins because this where we get to eat! As part of our tradition we only eat appetizers. We had veggies and onion dip, bean dip and several types of chips, 3 different types of cookies, olives, pizza slices, Hershey kisses, chocolate covered cherries and...well I think that is but I can't be sure.

After eating more than our fair share of food it is time to decorate the tree. In order to inspire the two deviants Rob puts on the Mariah Carey Christmas DVD. Well, I think it might have inspired them too much because as I painstakingly began putting up the lights in an organized fashion so as not to miss any portion of the tree, nor show any plugs, Rob and Stefi decide to take the three reels of lights left and just throw them on the tree. And I mean throw literally. Again I give into the fun because there is no use with these two I realize. So our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree went up in true fashion and fun was had by all.

The evening ended at around 10 pm and by then I think we all needed an Alki Selser and some non Mariah Carey music...or maybe I just did!

But the evening was a blast. It was memories built after missing so many with my younger sister. It was like revisiting old times with her but even better because Rob could be a part of it. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful way to begin the holidays. I feel blessed by family, love and laughter!

I will have to post pictures later as the computer is not being helpful.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Silly Rob! Fun is for kids

So for Rob's 33rd birthday I decided to throw a party much to his dismay. Rob isn't big on birthday parties and even less when their his... But given the fact that this year we got to celebrate with our three beautiful nieces and two handsome nephews he aquiesed to the idea. In true Gordon fashion my uncle agreed to barbecue for 35+ folks on our rooftop. We had hamburgers and hot dogs. Nothing fancy but it did the job. We were able to spend the day surrounded by family and friends and celebrate in one more year of life with my handsome husband. The highlight of the day was definitely watching the kids help Rob open his gifts. Thank you to our family and friends who made this birthday one to remember!

Christa's Wedding

So I am just now downloading all of our pictures from the past year. I have so many memories to catch up on. With the holidays just around the corner I can't help but be little sad that the family is so far apart. The above picture was taken at Christa's wedding shower. It was a rare moment that all three girls were together. By the smile on all of our faces it shows that sisterhood is a blessing from God to be cherished every day!
A father and daughter relationship is a special one. It prepares you for the wife you will become.
So if a picture steals your soul what happens when it is then posted? It is a double steal...
The Thorne Matriarchy

What many people don't know is that Christa and I began dating our husbands at the same time. We laughed and even cried as we shared our first dates, kisses and even arguments. We were blessed to be able to walk side by side during this exciting time in our life. And as you can tell we always kept our sense of humor.