Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Following the Path

During our early morning beach stroll to the Argentine Cafe Rob looked back and noted our footsteps, side by side, as far back as we could see...

Rob and I had some very much needed time away in Miami this past month. There was a lot on our minds and our hearts. Too much to even process with words. The quiet company of one another was enough. Major life decisions are presenting themselves daily and it is a challenge to patiently and quietly make each decision without a clear picture of our future. It feels like we are playing tic tack toe at times.

But today I can share just a small glimpse of what our future holds. After months of prayer Rob had decided to enter into Latin American mission work. I say Latin American because he has been a missionary in the lost world of alcoholism, addiction, and mental illness for years. God has given Rob the gift of encouragement through his words and music. He shares his story as a testimony of his experience, torment and joy. His message is unique in that his pain is still very much alive.

Months ago he was asked to participate as nothing more than a gen x representative in a brainstorming session for a mission's organization. Rob was moved by the work being done with the gang members, drug addicts and prostitutes in Latin America. He realized that missionary work was as diverse as his own life experience.

So today we stand in faith following the path our God has set before us.