Monday, January 4, 2010

New Beginnings

Happy New Beginnings! I had to ponder this past week as to why we celebrate one day over another and does this one day in particular have any more meaning over another? Rob's response was as expected, "It is only meaningful because we assign a special value to it". I guess we are soul compadres after all. Over the past year the greatest insight I have gained is that every moment can begin anew. I can choose to restart my day at any given point. There is no yesterday or tomorrow just this one moment I am in. It is called intentional living. I also believe there is a rhythm to life and living in the Spirit. I am far from being in tune but at least I can hear it from a distance.

Christmas preparation was rhythmic. I did not venture into a single mall all season. Gifts were instead purchased from secondhand stores and a great online fair-
trade store that supports budding industries in third world countries. It was joy! I spent the year scouring one specific second hand store and found treasures amongst treasures only to be complemented by items such as olive oil from Pakistan. Of course this was all part of our "green Christmas". We decided to reduce our carbon print by purchasing and giving only used/ green gifts. This plan also included gift wrapping. This was my most favorite part of Christmas. I spent hours creatively wrapping each gift with magazine/newspaper clippings. I created handmade abstract ornaments for each family meant as a blessing. Everything was lovingly prepared more than one week in advance.I think this is a tradition I must keep.

Our Christmas cards much to my husband's disappointment were quite pedestrian. I implored that with our new venture into fundraising I felt it appropriate to have at least one suitable picture circulating. He finally acquiesced. So with that I leave you to enjoy your new year full of blessings and wisdom.