Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Oh to think I don't have any pictures to post...but alas words will have to suffice. We have been so blessed with an incredible temporary studio space for Robby and Orchidsound Studios. It is a beautiful ranch style home built years ago by an original Arizonian cowboy. Steel cow shoes hang from the curtain rods; the rooms are built with wood beams and old candle chandeliers hang amidst the musky smell of dirt and cedar. It is a beautiful home that encourages creativity and freedom. There is space to spare and the grounds are breathtaking.

This Saturday we received an alarming call and we rushed to the Studio. Just a false alarm. Whew...crisis adverted. While I waited the situation out I found myself walking the grounds. Cottontail bunnies galore, a mother quail and her babies, prairie dogs homes and the most impressive of all the wildlife living amidst the music are three delightful hawks. They have made their home in the hundred year old tree on the west corner of the property. As I approached them they watched me intently and flew from branch to branch...almost bragging about their sleek bodies and 10 foot wing span. Oh, to fly like a bird. There is a tranquility, a patience, a straight hunting birds that never ceases to amaze me. But above all they are predators. As we were leaving I noticed they were circling the grounds, no doubt with their most recent pray in site. Their was a bunny skull with left over membrane in the empty fountain- whether it was the coyotes or the hawks who knows but it reminded me of the cycle of life. From ashes to ashes.

The grounds are also filled with indigenous cacti. Prickly pear with fruit blossoms, a yummy cholla and vegetation that looks like it belongs more on the moon than on earth. Owls have made their homes in the Saguaro and hornet nests are on every window seel and column. Dead beatles line the carpets in the home. Live and death everywhere.

What more could an artist dream of than a home filled with history, tradition, musky air, life and death. If this doesn't inspire creativity I don't know what does!

We are blessed.

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