Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Morning Cappuccino

So, I am way behind in my blogging as always. I have Christmas to blog, New Years, the Cardinals game, and so much more that eludes me at the moment. But the beauty of the new year has challenged me to take a moment to pause. For reasons unrelated to my motivation I have been blessed with a slow season at work recently. My days have been mostly spent connecting with co-workers and staff and enjoying my quick drive home early in the afternoon. It has been a nice change of pace. And on that note, until Qwest decides to get our computers and phone back up and running at work I get to enjoy some of my day working from home. This includes trying to wake up at 5 to go to Bikram yoga, but instead turning on the snooze button. Finally waking up at 7 am (I am usually to work by this time) and rolling out of bed and crawling to our most fantastic and dummy proof cappuccino machine. If you have never tried the Nespresso machines DO! They are fantastic. They make a perfect cappuccino in less than 2 minutes and your total sum of work is pushing two buttons!

So this morning here I am sitting at my computer, drinking my cappuccino and thankful for the new year and the rest it has brought already. I am blessed.

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