Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Windy City

So the dogs were packed and ready to spend two weeks with grandma and grandpa, Rob was running late to pick me up and take me to the airport, my sister in tears and my father on his way to Arizona to stay with the in laws. Oh and did I mention that I was late for the airport and hadn't eaten anything all day and it was 1:00 pm...ok so that was my day yesterday. But in spite of the chaos the rest of the day was a blessing. I read an entire novel on the plane (the girly kind you can only get away with buying at an airport), my luggage arrived without any hitches and the hotel is AWESOME! I love whoever designed the W trendy, modern and yet in a historical building. I feel like I am in a 1900's sanctuary/church with a disco ball and party music 24/7. Much like the Standard Hotel in LA but without the drug scene and crazy drunk people trying to enter my room at 3 am...story for another day. We had dinner, fish and chips to be exact, and then sought out some solitude by walking the financial district until 1 am. I then relaxed in a scolding hot bath with bubbles (provided by the hotel thank to BLISS) and read all the local sites to see in the beautiful city of Chicago. I fell asleep and woke up at 7 am rested and ready to walk the city again. I found a wonderful little coffee shop next to the train station and only a couple of blocks away. I ate a cheese danish and purchased a travel coffee mug (my green effort for the day). I must have refilled my coffee mug at least 8 times today...ah caffine high! I continued walking the city until it was time to shower and begin the work day. So 15 hours later I am blogging having just finished up a working dinner and feeling inspired...not to work but to play. I wish my hubby was here! I could use his funny charm and exploration skills. I think that if Robby hadn't been a musician he would have been an explorer. It is one of the things I love about my partner...we travel great together. Every moment of every day is filled with excitement and something new. Lounging and relaxing is reserved my annual girls trip. Every other trip includes walking at least 15 miles a day! I love it and I am being serious!

Ok enough ranting and raving about nothing. Oh, except if you can't already tell I love the Windy City!

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