Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Grandma's Blessing

So I have been sick for over 5 days now and going stir crazy. This is my third round of antibiotics in the past six months...yuck!

But on a lighter note...Grandma's are such a blessing! This past week I was feeling down and out and I knew that the one thing that I needed was a moment of fellowship with my grandma. We decided to be bad and split a hamburger and shake from my favorite hamburger joint and what a blessing it was. I left feeling encouraged, loved and ready to face the world again. My grandmother is a patient, quiet spirited and strong woman. A woman that only I can pray to be someday. I was talking to her about the book I am reading, The Shack. It is about a "great sorrow" and the healing of God in the form of a southern cooking mama. While reading this most unique description of God I giggled and decided to take what I wanted from it and leave the rest. But sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is just what you need to see God in a new way. To get in touch with one of His infinite ways of loving you that you haven't experienced in while. But back to the "great sorrow". My grandmother shared with me how her great sorrow led her to be the woman she is today. A woman of faith. May we all be reminded that our great sorrows are leading us down a path to faith, serenity and love.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Shower Pictures

So, I know a little late... but better late than never. Here are a few of the pictures from Christa's Wedding Shower. It was a wonderful event filled with laughter and maybe even a few tears. Christa of course was a beautiful bride and her smile in the first pictures says it all. I think I can speak for the family when we say that your wedding was a blessing to all were able to share in it. We love you and our new family member Daniel!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beautiful Kiss on a Sailboat

This moment was to celebrate our first sailboat experience together.Unknowingly, before we met we separately dreamed of sailing the ocean for months on end. Our dream came true even if for one day.

Inner Child

The first picture is entitled, "Fangs and Cigarettes". One of the many things I love about my hubby is that he is really in touch with his inner child. Rob and Stef started a tradition a while back that includes candy and lots of it. I don't remember when it started but every time he knows he is going to see my sister Stef he scouts of all the local candy/ speciality stores to find the most disgusting and uneatable candy. He buys way more than he needs and alongside Stefani they eat much as the candy as humanly possible without throwing up. A favorite is pop rocks with soda.

Another part of his inner child includes his boy scout days. The pictures on the rocks are part of our day trip turned science field trip exploring ocean life. If I do recall right, Stef and Rob even jumped in the ocean.

All the pictures were taken in Monterey, CA where my parents are suffering for Jesus. It was our first trip together to visit them and what a wonderful trip it was. As I look back on the pictures you can see the relaxed look in our faces and silly moments followed by bursts of laughter. Even though separated by thousands of miles you can feel the love the moment you gather as a family again.

Family Garden

These pictures are from one our last garden parties all together as family. The reason for the event was my sister's engagement. This garden is more than just a garden. It has seen most all major events in the Johnson/ Thorne clan. It saw all of our major breakups and new loves. It was the site of celebration for our engagements and pending marriages. In many ways all of us girls grew up in this garden under the careful and loving guidance of our uncle. He mentored, encouraged and dreamed with us through the good, the bad and the ugly. The garden still exists but just doesn't seem the same with all of us living apart now. But the garden is still there waiting for every visit from my mother, father, sisters and uncles and aunts.

Also unique to this one event was the addition of two of three most beautiful girls in the world. My nieces. You can see by their yummy smiles and curious looks how much sunshine and love they bring to the garden, our family and our world.


Yes my husband is really handsome I know! But what I also know is that his life is filled with purpose. This picture was taken at a "unnamed event" where I was able to celebrate his life and his journey. We recently went to a funeral of a friend of his and the story the gentleman's wife shared was much like mine. At times I am saddened by the amount of time he spends outside of our home serving others in need. My selfishness asks why he doesn't spend that time with us. But my heart knows why, his life was pre destined to serve young and old struggling for one more day. That may sound a little dramatic but when you attend a funeral like we did and you are able to see the impact one man has made by just suiting up and showing up you know in heart why. This moment reciting the serenity prayer with a church filled of individuals touched by this one man's life and his wife's testimony of love and support for what her husband stood for gave me immense strength and courage to shed a little bit of that selfishness.

Hawaii Outfits!

So non of the pictures from our trip to Hawaii turned out so well but they are memories nevertheless. I have to share with everyone reading this blog that my in laws are a great blessings. Many people when they speak of in laws do with some sort of hesitation, nervous laughter or maybe even disdain. But not me. From the moment I met my new set of parents I knew that I would be forever loved and part of the family. They have taught us unconditional love, grace, poise and godliness. We have become not only family but friends. We enjoy our dinners together and days spent by the pool. I must also admit that even though I cringe at the thought of wearing matching hawaiian outfits for Christmas pictures I also love the sense of family that comes with it. We celebrated Dad's birthday in Hawaii this year and every moment was filled with a sense of quiet peace and love. Even swimming the bay on a stormy/ wave crashing day is a memory to cherish!

Cutest dogs alive

So I know I talk about my dogs way to much and of course we ARE that couple that has replaced children with dogs but come on take a look at these two, can you really blame me?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Throwing a Fit

We entitled this performance " The Great Fit". These pictures were taken at our old place while he was going through his rebellious phase...of course he is still in this same phase right now. Some days we find it funnier than other. The day we took these pictures we were able to sit back and laugh at the absurdity of our one year old dog throwing a full blown fit!


So for many of you this blog won't be as exciting as for others. To start off our blog I thought it appropriate to share with you pictures of our home so you can have some visuals to go with the very funny stories I plan on sharing. This home was a blessing from God and we are thankful everyday. These pictures were taken when we first moved in so of course many things have changed. Like the piano in our living room. The baby grand was a romantic gift from Robby. We were at one of his recitals for guitar and the moms of all the young students kept asking me if my child was performing...I had to keep answering with a grin on my face, "No my husband is! You will recognize him as the only one over the age of 12." Well, I mentioned to Robby how I felt in some ways I missed out on learning to play an instrument as a child. In fact, I have never done anything musical in my life but am surrounded by it all the time. Robby did ask me what instrument I would have played if I could have learned any and I said the piano. Here I am 8 months later with lessons every Saturday in my home by one of the most wonderful, compassionate teachers that has ever graced the earth. They say learning music is one of the better ways of growing the brain and keeping it young. All I know is that playing thus far has taught me perseverance, patient and accepting things for what they are each and every day. It is a difficult journey of self discovery learning to play music. I wanted to quit by the second lesson . I realize how impatient of a person I am how much I just waste thru a day not taking even one moment to savor. I guess that is what the Piano means to me today. Stop and enjoy the journey...no matter how it sounds...even if it doesn't sound at all...just enjoy.