Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day

I was proud today to say that I voted for McCain and Palin. I have kept my political views quiet and struggled with the many disparaging remarks from everyone around me regarding "how only stupid people would vote for McCain". Clearly I see differently.

I had the opportunity to hear both of the them speak this year at National Council of La Raza. I was able to understand first hand the persuasion of Obama's gifted speech giving abilities but in contrast was truly humbled by the honesty of McCain. It was only weeks later when interviewed by a prominent faith leader that McCain spoke from the heart and shared that his biggest regret in life was the failure of his first marriage. I can only imagine how that must have felt when Cindy heard those words. I also heard Palin's first speech and was inspired by her strength. I find her to be woman of strength. Of course God only knows the heart of each person. But as a feminist minor in college I am excited about the opportunity to see a woman in office. And not just any woman. A women who is raising a family who is not embarrassed or ashamed of being called a hockey mom. After hearing commentary after commentary regarding her lack of experience and so forth I felt even stronger that she is woman I want to vote for. I want my vote to stand not just for any woman being in office but for a woman that has raised a family, is walking through the heartache of a teenage pregnancy with her daughter and proudly raising a child with special needs. I feel it is time for me to support a woman with real life experience. A woman living life on life's terms. Of course there are many other reasons to vote and I don't expect everyone to share my views just please don't judge mine as I won't judge yours.

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