Friday, September 12, 2008

For Sale

Two Dogs For SALE. Will bark at 4:30 am for food. Will bark at 6:00 am for more food. Will not come or sit. Will use the bathroom mat as a toilet. Will use new area rug as a toilet. After an hour spent cleaning the area rug, will use area rug again as toilet. Love chewing shoes, especially brands such as prada and gucci. Will run around house on a panty raid. For SALE for $.05 each.

Ok, so some days you need a bit of humor to get you through. The dogs are actually at Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend spending some quality time with there new cousin parsnip while am trying to seek some balance. Over the past two weeks work has consumed me. My shortest day yet, including Saturdays and Sundays, has been a 15 hour work day. I love my work but I also love being a wife, a daughter, a grandaughter, sister, auntie and best friend. Balance is something I crave. I have yet to realize how to be a career woman, a family woman and a friend. I see other women in my life and somehow they seem to have figured it out. But that is the catch, one shouldn't look to others before looking to God.

So this weekend I will continue working preparing for the week ahead hoping that next month will slow down. But today I am grateful that the house is quiet and my husband is making me laugh. I am greatful that when Robby walked in the house at 8:30 pm I was able to put my work computer away for the night and eat a homemade piece of strawberry pie (very exciting when dinner consisted of cheetos and beef jerkey). Grateful when in the past week meals consisted of microwave dinners every night, McDonalds for breakfast and Jack in the Box for lunch (salad of course to balance the egg mcmuffin).

May sound like I am complaining but quite the opposite, just seeking some insight from others that might experience/d the same. But please don't mention the words character building. The words that resinate in my heart right now are balance, patience, wisdom and most of all, boundries. Boundries so that I have something left at the end of the day for those that most need it.

One last note. Years ago I developed a friendship at work that has lasted more than many others. She is woman of God. Her love language is acts of service. She has spent days moving box after box, listening the groans, moans and well, quite honestly the many fights that happen in the desperation and exhaustion of moving. She opened her home at 3:00 am to host a garage sale for us. She has met me countless times at 10 pm to take the dogs on a 5 mile walk. She has been a faithful, encouraging, accepting and honest friend. She has been a sister to me for 5 years now. She never fails. On monday of this week we met up to catch up on life and I had been at work since 4 am and still had work to do when I met her at 5:3o pm. She sat with me inside Paradise Bakery with a migrane and helped me sort out over 200 pages of statistics. The love that she shares is beautiful.

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